
He who wants to
build tall towers

must dwell with the
fundament for a long time

- Anton Bruckner

CONFACTs GmbH is an engineering consultant that is well established in the market and, in addition to classic video, audio and control planning, focuses on project management as well as consulting services in the professional broadcast environment.

Service portfolio in the broadcast, radio and media environment.


Technology change also in the broadcast environment - with a wide range of experience, we are happy to help you find your way in the tri-media technology jungle ... and not only there!

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Whether now more agile or still conventional - planning has been our "bread and butter" business for 20 years!

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In addition to classic project management, may it be a little more? Accompanying change management is simply good for some projects!

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Our customers include large public broadcasters such as Norddeutsche Rundfunk, Südwestrundfunk, Westdeutscher Rundfunk.

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